Bugs by Kids

Bug Gallery

Bug Build Ideas!

Clothespin and Watercolor Monarch — from Fireflies & Mudpies

Create a Monarch Butterfly with Tissue Paper, Paper Clip, and a pipe cleaner.

Or download a printable to create a Monarch puppet!

Cardboard Tube Grasshopper —from the Craft Train

Build lifelike grasshopper legs with this awesome tutorial.

Origami Cicada — from Creative Park Canon

Download this tutorial and printable to fold a Cicada — Origami Style!

Pompom Honeybee — from iHeartCraftyThings

Make a fuzzy winged honey bee with black and gold pom poms, wax paper, googley eyes, and a popsicle stick to hold it together.

Egg Carton Lady Bug— from Buggy and Buddy

These adorable lady bugs require an egg carton, paint, glue, and of course, googley eyes.